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Apartment in Verbania Suna on Lake Maggiore

Property no longer available
Contact us at+39 0323 405040
for other proposals.

Code S052
Typology Apartments
Area Verbania
Contract Sale
Sm 85 Sm
Local 3
Position Within 300 meters from the lake
Bedroom 2
Bad 1
Kitchen Habitable
Heating Autonomous
Levels 1
Energy Efficiency Class In the definition phase
Conditions As new
Furniture Furnished
Employment in doing Free
Price Negotiation in agency

You want more information?

or contact us by phone:

Property no longer available
Contact us at+39 0323 405040
for other proposals.

Code S052
Typology Apartments
Area Verbania
Contract Sale
Sm 85 Sm
Local 3
Position Within 300 meters from the lake
Bedroom 2
Bad 1
Kitchen Habitable
Heating Autonomous
Levels 1
Energy Efficiency Class In the definition phase
Conditions As new
Furniture Furnished
Employment in doing Free
Price Negotiation in agency

In a building recently built, in the typical historical center of Suna, nice apartment a few meters from the lake, located on the ground floor.

Accommodation in excellent condition, with entrance and corriodio, to give access to a 'matrimoniame large room and a bedroom.

Following the spacious bathroom, with bath and kitchen.

The spacious dining / living room door to access the porch and all 'adjacent garden.

In the basement, the garage closed.

L 'apartment is reached, the boardwalk, through street with restricted access for residents, so it is particularly peaceful and quiet, despite being in a well served and very pleasant.

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P.Iva 01846940037
tel: +39 0323 405040 fax: +39 0323 405040
whatsapp: +39 0323 405040

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