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Apartment on the lake d 'Orta Madonna del Sasso

Property no longer available
Contact us at+39 0323 405040
for other proposals.

Code AP0660F
Typology Apartments
Area Madonna del Sasso
Contract Seasonal
Sm 50 Sm
Local 2
Bedroom 1
Bad 1
Kitchen Kitchenette
Energy Efficiency Class In the definition phase
Conditions Renovated
Employment in doing Free
Price Negotiation in agency

You want more information?

or contact us by phone:

Property no longer available
Contact us at+39 0323 405040
for other proposals.

Code AP0660F
Typology Apartments
Area Madonna del Sasso
Contract Seasonal
Sm 50 Sm
Local 2
Bedroom 1
Bad 1
Kitchen Kitchenette
Energy Efficiency Class In the definition phase
Conditions Renovated
Employment in doing Free
Price Negotiation in agency

We rent in the historical center in a renovated house furnished apartment for two people. The lake is 15 minutes away by car. Near field to find sports field with tennis and horse riding.

On request comes supplied breakfast.

Compulsory final cleaning € 50. Pets are not allowed.

Prices for 2014 asking the agency.

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P.Iva 01846940037
tel: +39 0323 405040 fax: +39 0323 405040
whatsapp: +39 0323 405040

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