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Villa Agrate Conturbia new construction

Property no longer available
Contact us at+39 0323 405040
for other proposals.

Code A0241
Typology Villas and Villas
Area Agrate Conturbia
Contract Sale
Sm 300 Sm
Bedroom 4
Bad 4 toilet fed with rainwater stored in underground tank
Kitchen In view
Heating Floor
Energy Efficiency Class B
IPE 67,27 Kwh/mq.
Year 2010
Conditions New construction
Employment in doing Free
Price Negotiation in agency

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or contact us by phone:

Property no longer available
Contact us at+39 0323 405040
for other proposals.

Code A0241
Typology Villas and Villas
Area Agrate Conturbia
Contract Sale
Sm 300 Sm
Bedroom 4
Bad 4 toilet fed with rainwater stored in underground tank
Kitchen In view
Heating Floor
Energy Efficiency Class B
IPE 67,27 Kwh/mq.
Year 2010
Conditions New construction
Employment in doing Free
Price Negotiation in agency

The villa stands on a plot of land about 5500 sqm fully fenced with easy access driveway, a driveway leads to the villa, has two levels above ground and a basement in the window and almost completely out of the ground.

On the ground floor are a living room with bright open plan living room and kitchen, with easily lockable wall or sliding door, bathroom and dressing room. Large sliding glass doors give access to two porches overlooking the pool and a large terrace. The living room is flooded with light from the extraordinarily large windows that manage to enjoy the green nature outside. Two cuts in the ceiling above the master suite located on the first floor, enclosed in thick glass, facilitate the entry of light.

The system arrangement allows the installation of a double-sided fireplace in the center of the living room.

Two bedrooms and a bathroom create a sleeping area for the kids, while the master suite has been created on the first floor, connected by a staircase crafted in glass and steel, and offers a comfortable bedroom large bath with provision for Jacuzzi, a private bathroom and a walk-in closet. With small modifications would be possible to obtain a further bedroom.

The basement is beautifully finished and can accommodate even the guests, thanks elle factory provided to obtain a second kitchen and the fact that the frontal area of the open windows overlooking the park. Are placed here a cellar, laundry room, utility room, two spacious bedrooms and a bathroom, as well as the large central room where great tavern.

Throughout the property there is a floor heating system, including the basement. Predispositions are also provided for air conditioning and piped music. Present a photovoltaic plant of about 5 kW and over to solar thermal.

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P.Iva 01846940037
tel: +39 0323 405040 fax: +39 0323 405040
whatsapp: +39 0323 405040

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