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Villa d 'era in Stresa hills

Property no longer available
Contact us at+39 0323 405040
for other proposals.

Code A0180
Typology Villas and Villas
Area Gignese
Contract Sale
Sm 500 Sm
Local 4+
Bedroom 5
Bad 5
Kitchen Habitable
Energy Efficiency Class In the definition phase
Year 1920
Years restructuring 2010
Conditions Renovated
Employment in doing Free
Price Negotiation in agency

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or contact us by phone:

Property no longer available
Contact us at+39 0323 405040
for other proposals.

Code A0180
Typology Villas and Villas
Area Gignese
Contract Sale
Sm 500 Sm
Local 4+
Bedroom 5
Bad 5
Kitchen Habitable
Energy Efficiency Class In the definition phase
Year 1920
Years restructuring 2010
Conditions Renovated
Employment in doing Free
Price Negotiation in agency

Gignese is a small village in the hills above Stresa, only 8 km away from the shores of the lake, well stocked services (post offices, schools, supermarket, bar, newsagent), draws on the altitude of 700 m in the enviable climate, cool in summers elsewhere may show heat unbearable and never too hard during the winter.
Renowned golf course, open since 1924.

Situated on a sunny hill in the Alpine village, this beautiful villa '900 has undergone renovations that have affected the structure from the ground (basement treated with appropriate anti plaster humidity), the slabs (consolidated and reinforced), up to the roof completely replaced with new laminated wood structure, the details reproduced on the original aesthetic of the early century. The interior layout shows the ground floor main entrance that opens onto the staircase, kitchen, large living room with large windows and terrace dining. Bathroom and side entrance. On the first floor, spacious master bedroom with en suite bathroom and terrace, two bedrooms and bathroom. The attic has a considerable height.

In the basement there is the possibility of creating a separate accommodation already provided with input and an open kitchen, living room, bathroom and bedroom.
4,000 square meters of park dall'agevole access driveway by driveway directly in the current ternina single garage that you can expand from 60 square meters. Characteristic is the well that feeds a small pond.


The restructuring was deliberately stop to the interior, in such a way that it is possible for the buyer a good level of customization.

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P.Iva 01846940037
tel: +39 0323 405040 fax: +39 0323 405040
whatsapp: +39 0323 405040

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