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Villa for sale in 'High Vergante with pool and lake view

Property no longer available
Contact us at+39 0323 405040
for other proposals.

Code A0245
Typology Villas and Villas
Area Pisano
Contract Sale
Sm 400 Sm
Position Foothills
Bedroom 3
Bad 3
Kitchen Habitable
Heating Floor Natural gas condensing boiler
Energy Efficiency Class C
Year 2000
Conditions Excellent
Employment in doing Free
Price Negotiation in agency

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Property no longer available
Contact us at+39 0323 405040
for other proposals.

Code A0245
Typology Villas and Villas
Area Pisano
Contract Sale
Sm 400 Sm
Position Foothills
Bedroom 3
Bad 3
Kitchen Habitable
Heating Floor Natural gas condensing boiler
Energy Efficiency Class C
Year 2000
Conditions Excellent
Employment in doing Free
Price Negotiation in agency

The property in question is situated in a sunny villas each served by a private road with motorized bar; optimal are the rest (the distance from noise sources such as factories, railways and roads) and with a nice view overlooking the hills of Nebbiuno and Meina and Lake Maggiore. The Fortress of Angera stands at the edge of the lake.

The villa stands on a plot of land of about 700 square meters, completely fenced and equipped with motorized access driveway. Convenient access to the two car garage basement.

The garden is well planted, has a swimming pool with all the equipment provided, and surrounds the house around.

This, extending for about 400 square meters in total, is divided into ground floor, mezzanine and basement. The first consists of living room and dining room separated by double-sided fireplace, both with large sliding windows. The kitchen, living comfortably, has a closet-pantry. A loft to use studio overlooks the dining room and access to a rustic attic area to possibly be exploited for other uses.

Three bedrooms and two bathrooms complete the sleeping area.

The basement has a very good quality and has spacious well-exploited for recreation and entertainment, such as cinema and tavern for the service, a spacious laundry room. Cellar, and two garages offer plenty of space for two cars and numerous objects in each house.

The high energy efficiency is given by a well-built, complete with insulating coat and un'impiantistica well designed that relies on a boiler of about 30 kw with underfloor heating.

The preparation for the air conditioning system is present in every environment, even if you have not felt the need to activate it if not in the bedroom, where he enjoys a few days of summer.

Perimeter and volumetric anti-theft system.

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P.Iva 01846940037
tel: +39 0323 405040 fax: +39 0323 405040
whatsapp: +39 0323 405040

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