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Prestigious historic home in Stresa

Property no longer available
Contact us at+39 0323 405040
for other proposals.

Code A012
Typology Villas and Villas
Area Stresa
Contract Sale
Sm 1200 Sm
Local 4+
Bedroom 9
Bad More than 10
Kitchen Kitchenette
Heating Central Combination boiler with biomass and methane
Levels 3
Energy Efficiency Class In the definition phase
Year 1870
Conditions Excellent
Employment in doing Free
Price Negotiation in agency

You want more information?

or contact us by phone:

Property no longer available
Contact us at+39 0323 405040
for other proposals.

Code A012
Typology Villas and Villas
Area Stresa
Contract Sale
Sm 1200 Sm
Local 4+
Bedroom 9
Bad More than 10
Kitchen Kitchenette
Heating Central Combination boiler with biomass and methane
Levels 3
Energy Efficiency Class In the definition phase
Year 1870
Conditions Excellent
Employment in doing Free
Price Negotiation in agency

One of the most majestic and beautiful historic homes of Lake Maggiore. Built at the end of 'eight hundred from a known industrial family, has preserved its splendor thanks to the loving care of the current owners. a beautiful park surrounding the villa, the aiumerosi hidden from view by trees, while leaving guests the pleasure of enjoying the view over the town of Stresa and the Borromeo Gulf.

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Negotiation in agency

 3 local  60 Sm  1  1

€ 260.000 Negotiable

P.Iva 01846940037
tel: +39 0323 405040 fax: +39 0323 405040
whatsapp: +39 0323 405040

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